
You look like crap....

Yep. Second person in a week to point out to me that I look terrible. Thanks assholes. I feel like crap too, and pointing out the black circles under my eyes only makes me feel worse.

Ok Second Trimester. Its time to start being my friend. I will admit it is very very nice not to throw up 5 times a day but now the tension headaches, heart palpitations and obvious facial trauma make me want to scream. I would actually scream but then my headache would return and I'd be miserable.

Dear kid. I hope you are a good kid. Your sister was an easy pregnancy but she screamed the first year of her life. I need you to be sweet and not rotten.

Under Eye Bag Lady

1 comment:

  1. Oh honey that sucks so bad. I'm sorry! I got such bad headaches second tri too. Don't be afraid to ask for meds. Seriously. xoxoxo
