
Blubbering Idiot

Yep, thats me. I can't stop crying. About everything. Its a bit ridiculous. I mean, I feel my reasons are valid...well most of them. I understand you might not agree and think I'm a dork but I've decided I'm okay with that.  What's that? What has made me cry? You sure you want to ask that? Well, ok. Here's a starter list.

1. Deputy Rick Rhyne. Yep, super nice man. I remember him from high school parties out at a friends house in Foxfire where he was the police chief for 26 years. He'd break them up and send us all home, but was always very nice about it. Never a jerk like some of the other guys. Then I remember him from the Foxfire General Store. So nice. I guess my mother in law was good friends with his sister growing up and went to school with him. We were the ones to tell my mil and fil that he passed. They heard that a police officer was shot, but had NO idea it was him. That was the second time he made me cry (the first is when I learned what happened) The third time I cried is when I thought about his family at Christmas, without him. How sad that must be. The fourth time is when I saw all of the fb posts of our small little town basically shutting down to honor him. The news reports were ok, but this particular one made me cry. I am blown away that they honored him by carrying his casket in the horse drawn buggy used for R. Reagan. What an amazing honor.

Here is the link to the story. The video is on the page: http://www.wral.com/news/local/story/10493111/

The fifth time I cried was when someone posted this. They shut down the main highway and carried him down the center. The whole town was there (except me...I was working) Here is a youtube video of the amazing police & fire people who came out to pay him respects. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLWgXWDOvkA&sns=fb

 2.  It is a number of wake up calls that have been thrown at me to just chill out and enjoy life (another cry fest was my dear friend Jess telling us about the child in her daughters class that passed from cancer only a week ago. Read about that here: http://straighttalkjess.com/2011/12/its-not-fair/ So that is what I've been trying to do. Just relax and love my amazing life.

3. While watching the news cast at work two of my patients, a male and a female, not married but both very confused and sad, were sitting next to each other. She rarely talks but was talking away to him. He is so kind and gentle and has this beautiful smile that melts my heart daily. (most of my patients are mean and terrible, why I love him so much) They were holding hands. She leaned down and kissed his hand. Then she picked her hand up and held it close to his face. He gently grabbed her hand and kissed it. They both smiled. Her daughter was sitting next to me, she had come to visit but we both decided not to break the two of them up per sweet factor. One of my cna's said out loud "See, God doesn't take everything from you" at that very second the tears burst out of my eyes and I could not control my self. It was so true. Her daughter started crying and the two of us just sat and cried and watched them. God really doesn't take everything from you. For the past year I only thought about how terrible it would be to live to be as old as they are. How awful to lose everything and everyone you love or have those you love only come see you on special occasions. But here, these two strangers shared a moment, a moment of honesty and goodness....and love. God is good.

4. Switching tones here. This is the most RIDICULOUS thing I've EVER blogged about, said aloud or even admitted to. But I'm pregnant so here it is. I haven't pooped in weeks. Like really had to go. Its been a terrible experience. I've been taking Zofran which backs you up pretty good. So today, I got the urge. Where you ask? AT WAL-MART. So freaking gross. I live 20 minutes away from Wally world so I had to rush to the bathrooms there. It made me cry. I cried while taking a crap at walmart. True story. (embarrassed now so I'm moving on)

5. Ok, the last thing that has made me cry. (well, there have been soooooo many more, but I'm sure you are bored right now so I'm stopping) I got to work yesterday, gave my report and had a minute to go over some paperwork while it was very quiet. The cna's were all busy getting people up, and no one was out in the common area with me yet. The news was on. And for some reason this made me laugh so hard I couldn't breathe. The best fight ever...totally epic and amazing. These kids are totally kicking each others arses and it is SOOOOOO funny. Here it is if you want to see the amazing spin kicks blue throws out. Gah...I'm so glad they have helmets on to protect themselves.....

Okay. I'm sure there will be many more cry fests in my future. Hope I didn't bore you all too badly with those.

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