


Thats right. Knocked up....Again. I lost the baby in April, which was a total nightmare, d&c and all.

I had problems with this baby in the beginning too. Two early ultrasounds because of heavy bleeding. The last ultrasound was a good one, we saw what looked like a little baby (he even switched it to 3d for us, a benefit of knowing all of the doctors in town!)  So I am 10 Weeks today and able to share our good news. They put me on progesterone which made me violently ill non stop. I still have pockets of blood in my uterus, that may or may not be absorbed by growing baby or may come out. But I can NOT take the progesterone it can't possibly be helping more than it is hurting, throwing up 10 times a day is NOT GOOD, ever. Zofran have become my new skittles, popping one every 4 hours seems to help with the projectile vomiting and just makes it so I dry heave every hour or so. I remember losing weight with my daughter in the first trimester but it wasn't like this. I was tiny back then so a bit of food aversion equaled weight loss. I was losing weight when I got pregnant, and was doing so well. Fresh fruits, sushi, yogurt....all sorts of healthy things. Now if I even smell anything healthy I vomit. But french fries.....i could eat a million of them and feel great!! I read somewhere that sea salt helps with nausea in early pregnancy and by golly it does. So even though I am very sick, I am not losing any weight, and although I feel like a whale (holy crap I already have a baby belly, doc said it happens sometimes? The uterus "remembers" and stretches out early :/ ) and most certainly look like one, I am resolved to eat my french fries and potato soup because I am already miserable. Why add miserable and hungry to the list?

Here is the announcement Ella Grace and I threw together! Click for a larger view.


  1. soooooooo happy. I remember eating gobs of potato chips and spaghetti noodles dry. EAT IT.

  2. By golly...i think there is a meat and potato lover in that belly!! a tim junior if you ask me...look out! Love u, u most certainly do not resemble anything even remotely close to a whale.
